Housing Help
Habitat homeowners are South Carolina residents earning 30-80% of the regional area median income. Prior to becoming homeowners, families may have experienced need of decent shelter due to a variety of circumstances-unpredictable rent increases, overcrowded living conditions, damaged or dilapidated structures, unsafe neighborhoods, or lack of access to land and affordable financing.
If you are interested in becoming a Habitat Homeowner please contact your local affiliate to discuss their specific application process.
Eligibility Factors
Ability to Pay
Willingness to Partner
There must be a demonstrated need in order to qualify for a Habitat Home. Need is determined by a family's current living conditions.
The ability to pay is determined by information provided and collected during the application process.
A partner family must be willing to complete "sweat-equity" hours. In addition, the partner family must also be willing to attend home buyer education classes.
All applicants must provide documentation of residency and eligibility to work in the United States.